We have partnered with the video platform Vimeo which means you will be able to download or stream videos you have bought on pretty well any device at any time. You can also download and watch the films OFFLINE through the Vimeo app on any Apple OS or Android mobile device or by logging onto www.vimeo.com on a laptop or desktop computer.
All of our titles are available as Video on Demand and some are also available to rent.
Learn more about the Vimeo app for Apple OS devices - iPhone and iPad here.
You can find out more about the Vimeo Android app here.
If you click on the Video On Demand button on a DVD’s page you will be taken to the Vimeo web site. You will need to open a Vimeo account and then simply make your purchase. After that you log onto your account on the Vimeo web site any time and view your videos. It’s as simple as that.